Minimum system requirements:
- Windows 7/8/10 or later
- MS-Excel 2007/2010 or later
- MS-Powerpoint 2007/2010 or later
- Microsoft .NET framework, version 4-Full or later
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Cross Neuro Database works with MySQL, MS-SQL and SQLite databases.
How to choose which one to use?
- SQLite is free of charge, has no size limitation and requires no Database Engine to be installed. This is the recommended choice.
- MySQL is free of charge and has no size limitation. This is a good choice, unless you already have access to a full MS-SQL.
- MS-SQL is not free, unless the limited MS-SQL Express version is used. The Express version will only fit a very small amount of patients. Many Hospitals use MS-SQL servers as their standard database. Check with your hospitals IT department if they support and can offer MS-SQL.
No external Database engine is required. Download Cross Neuro Database to use SQLite as database.
Download the following modules to run Cross Neuro Database using a MySQL database server.
Download the following modules to run Cross Neuro Database using a MS-SQL database server.
1) Download Microsoft ODBC Driver for MS-SQL
2) Download MS-SQL Command Line Utilites (BCP.EXE)
Read about
installation and activation here.
Click here for a detailed version history log
- Version 3.0.15
- Networked KP.Net: Pause Import regularly (setup) to avoid local database overflow (SQL Express).
- Version 3.0.14
- Possible to import selected time periods.
- Version 3.0.13
- Handles larger KP.Net database (no Studies found by KPIS:GetStudyList3 if too many studies).
- Import independent on Windows regional format (date) setting. Previously crashed with Danish format.
- Version 3.0.12
- Possible to specify Code Page for Import of Keypoint.Classic data. Manually edit config.xml to change.
- Version 3.0.11
- All KP.Net studies imported at every Import, due to locking limitations in KPIS when detecting last modified date using report time.
- Version 3.0.10
- Extensive error message in log-file if KPIS fails to extract study data.
- Version 3.0.9
- Safer import of different date formats.
- Version 3.0.8
- All date formats supported during creation of database and Import function. Previously crashed for formats <> yyyy-mm-dd
- Version 3.0.7
- Importing CSV files to SQLite doesn't require the sqlite3.exe command line tool (which occasionally didn't work in server environment with UNC paths).
- Info item added, indicating if studies are successfully imported into the syncStudykeys table before sync starts.
- Removed spaces from 'SFEMGCurvesSamples' table name.
- Database compatible with 3.0.6, except SFEMG Curve Samples table rename. A new Import is required to access SFEMG curves.
- Version 3.0.6
- Safer Import of studies with a Blink Reflex tests. Crashed earlier if no reference limits were available.
- Database compatible with 3.0.5
- Version 3.0.5
- Safer import of EMG interpretation in case KP translation tables are destroyed. Crashed earlier.
- Data Mining speed improvement in SQLite and studies from one EMG system only. Was extremely slow earlier. For existing SQLite databases, manually remove the Studies_EMGSystem index using the DB Browser for SQLite.
- Database compatible with 3.0.4
- Version 3.0.4
- A Report is not required to Import KP.Net studies. Studies without Report will be imported everytime, i.e. no date syncing.
- Data Mining F-Summary bug corrected. Not all data were extraced for KP.Classic studies.
- Database compatible with 3.0.3
- Version 3.0.3
- MS-SQL uses BCP for import again.
- Spaces have been removed from all Tables names.
- Database connections only open during queries. Was earlier open until logged out.
- Doesn't stop after Importing about 5000 studies, as seen in 3.0.2
- Can now Import KP.Classic EMG Save live. Gave error in 3.0.2
- New installation and Import required since database and settings files structure changed.
- Version 3.0.2
- New user interface with all functions within the same form.
- SQLite Supported.
- Keypoint.Net Supported.
- BCP not required anymore for Import to MS-SQL.
- MS-SQL: Import and Link file works with database without password (Trusted connection).
- SFEMG Individual table: MCD and MSD changed from integer to decimal format.
- Field KPNr changed to StudyID. In KP.Classic this is Keypoint#. In KP.Net this is StudyID.
- Field StudyTime added. In KP.Classic this is INV-file creation time. In KP.Net this is StudyTime.
- Field DataPath added. In KP.Classic this is data files folder. In KP.Net this is name of KP.Net Server/Computer Name.
- New installation and Import required since database and settings files structure changed.
- Version 2.3.1
- International characters (UTF8) now seen correctly in Single Patient Review and Production Statistics.
- Version 2.3.0
- Windows user name is added to the Log table items.
- Excel and PowerPoint are closed after each Single Patient Review function.
- Version 2.2.0
- 'Show Studies in Excel' operation is added to the Log-file.
- Excel and PowerPoint started by Cross Neuro DB, are killed for current Windows user at exit and after each data mining operation. They are not closed if not exclusively opened by Cross Neuro DB.
- It's not required to close PowerPoint before doing any data mining function.
- Version 2.1.0
- Errormessages during Import area shown in the message area, without stopping the Import.
- Supports product keys for Server installation.
- Trial version option removed.
- No Import error if backslash character included in string (MS-SQL only).
- Version 2.0.1
- Config-files saved in TempFolder and restored during upgrade. I.e. not necessary to activate again.
- Version 2.0.0
- MS-SQL Supported. Database engine (MySQL or MS-SQL) selected in Setup.
- MySQL import: first study set to 1. Was set to 0 and data not all data imported.
- SNCS Notes was not imported earlier. Now corrected.
- CV-General segment name was cut after 50 characters. Now allows full size of 70 characters.
- RR-Interval: number of intervals was not imported into summary table. Now corrected.
- MacroEMG: Manual Jitter scoring was not imported. Now corrected.
- Studies: Patient age changed from 2 to 5 decimals.
- CTS Curves: Curve length field changed from 2 to 5 decimals.
- CV-General Sites: Notes field length change from 10 to 20 characters to fit entire text.
- Decrement Summary: Stim frequency changed to decimal field from integer.
- Correct century of BirthDate set. Was occasionally wrong. Age was earlier ok even with wrong birth date.
- Curves on PowerPoint: trailing zeros removed after numeric info fields, e.g. Age.
- New Import required since database structure changed.
- Version 1.4.2
- Clear Link File field using X-button now removes link and refreshes number of patients. (Earlier no effect)
- Version 1.4.1
- 'Patient ID' replaced by 'Patient Nr' in Single patient review if anonymous database.
- Data mining in CTS table now works properly (crashed earlier).
- Demo mode improved (internal use only).
- Version 1.4.0
- MySQL Server and ODBC driver are not included in the installation package. Must be installed separately.
- Version 1.3.0
- Renamed to 'Cross Neuro Database'.
- 10 local databases supported.
- 10 remote servers, with 10 databases each supported.
- All files and folders removed during uninstall.
- New Import required.
- New Activation required.
- Demo mode implemented (internal use only).
- Version 1.2.7
- Always starts on Analysis page.
- Import works even if tables are missing (crashed earlier).
- Renamed to 'Database for Keypoint Classic'.
- Online help link changed to
- Version 1.2.6
- Specifying SignalType in CVGeneral and TestType in AEPGeneral now works properly (crashed earlier).
- Version 1.2.5
- Removed version check for Excel and Powerpoint.
Did not work properly for Office 2013.
- Decimal Age and Height values allowed in DataMining.
- Version 1.2.4
- Better support of different date formats.
- New Import is required
- Version 1.2.3
- Database locking & warnings
- Windows 7/8 check during installation
- Common Port setup (Database Setup)
- CTS curve length set correctly in Database.
- No duplicate records in raster curve import (e.g. F, H, MUPs)
- New Config.xml (upgraded automatically)
- New Import is required
- Version 1.2.2
- Database locking disabled to allow Import in empty database
- Version 1.2.1
- Full version set immediately after activation
- Bug: Import into empty database not possible due to locking errors. Corrected in 1.2.2
- Version 1.2.0
- Autologout - new feature
- Possibe to search on Keypoint# in data mining.
- Output primarily sorted on StudyNr, the table unique fields.
- SFEMG Import: error in %block/jitter/normal results corrected.
- Trial version: ID suggested during typing
- Exit/Logout/SwitchDB buttons on Analysis view.
- New Import is required
- Version 1.1.0
- Trial Mode
- Patient Integrity scheme:
- No ID or Name in any output files
- Not possible to filter on ID or Name in Data Mining
- Log Table (in database) updated at each Single Patient Review search
- Anonyomous Import (ID and Name not imported)
- No ID or Name in any output files
- Link file can hold ID, StudyNr, patientNr or KeypointNr
- 2 Remote databases